(English below)
Appuntamento in fiera?
Purtroppo in fiera non usiamo prenotare incontri per valutare portfolio e progetti. Li guardiamo volentieri secondo ordine di arrivo ma soprattutto disponibilità di tempo (non possiamo garantire quindi). In compenso lavoriamo alle proposte tutto l’anno tramite la casella portfolio@lavieri.it e speriamo comunque di avere il tempo per un saluto veloce.
Come inviare portfolio
Il portfolio va inviato contestualmente alla richiesta di appuntamento esclusivamente tramite:
– link a proprie pagine web (di qualsiasi natura: sito, blog, social)
– allegato email non superiore ai 3 Mb
Cosa succede dopo?
Contatteremo il prima possibile gli autori ritenuti interessanti dalla redazione per stabilire un colloquio di approfondimento.
Cercheremo inoltre – nei limiti del possibile – di rispondere a tutti.

How to request an appointment
Unfortunately at the fair we do not use to book meetings to evaluate portfolios and projects. We gladly look at them according to the order of arrival, and, above all, availability of time (therefore we cannot guarantee). On the other hand, we work on proposals all year long via the portfolio@lavieri.it mailbox.
How to send portfolios
The portfolio must be sent with the request of appointment exclusively by:
– links to your web pages (or blog, or social network personal pages)
– email attachment not exceeding 3 Mb
Then, what happens?
We will contact the authors deemed interesting by the editorial staff as soon as possible to establish an interview.
We will also try – as far as possible – to answer everyone.
Are you interested in sending us your book projects?
We are glad to read your works and you can send them at the same rules above mentioned, but before sending please have a look to our catalogue and check if your project is consistent with our editorial line.
With the full text and/or illustrations of your projects you should send a simple synopsis and / or a presentation of the work. Do not forget to include some information about you and possible co-authors.